A Digital Process
Forward Thinking
Problem Solvers
At your Support
We conduct a review of the problem at hand and analyze approximately the resource requirements, theroad map of the engagement, deliverables and cost. Based on the abovementioned review we arrive at commercials and submit a proposal to the client.
We at ASPM associate with the organization for a predefined period of time. At the start of this association the deliverables are determined and agreed upon. ASPM focuses on having tangible deliverables for the association.
We at ASPM believe that the real ownership of any engagement cannot be forced up on any individual. To take ownership the individual has to have some benefits from the engagement. If we are able to identify, what is the benefit for the stake holders, then the issues in execution are minimal.
Training – To encourage the ownership we believe training is must. With training come the knowledge and the empowerment. The way ASPM conducts training ensures everyone is involved and gains in the process. It is very informative, participative and facilitates adult learning.
Handholding – The next step after training is implementation of the learning. Knowledge once acquired creates an urge to test the waters. We handhold our trained clientele in implementation to ensure the baby steps they are taking are in right direction and in right way. We believe in sticking to basics and working them out properly for successful implementation and sustenance of the initiative.
Audits – Auditing is to test how successful the implementation is. Auditing is used to verify the facts, to ensure that the chosen path is right and to validate the thought process that has gone in to the initiative. It is a fact finding exercise not fault finding exercise.
ASPM’s Stats
- Petrochemicals 80%
- Manufacturing 78%
- Financial services 50%
- Customer Happiness 99%
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